MORE ABUSE. Blog Post #1.

MORE ABUSE. Blog Post #1.

Hello. This is the first blog post.  Evidently this is a good way to build a community around my bullshit and ideas and shows and art, etc. 

People be asking 'WHAT'S MORE ABUSE?!' and I tell 'em - Yep.

Simple as that. 

To ye looking for a deeper dive, the MORE ABUSE MANIFESTO © is available in phyical format to anyone who wants it for a donation (at your discretion) and this offer stands until it doesn't.  The manifesto is a living document and can be udpated, re-translated or deleted entirely at any point in time without notice. All purchased copies of the MORE ABUSE MANIFESTO will be dated and signed with the edition number so as to avoid any confusion if that's even a real thing. 

Each purchased copy of the manifesto will include a handwritten 'Thank you' note and customers donating an ample sum of money will also be sent guaranteed winning lottery numbers.  You'll know if you donated enough when you open the envelope and see the winning numbers. Or not. 

To get yours email something helpful to

The purpose of this site is pretty straightforward. I don't want to have to hold down a fucking job.  Conversely, it takes a lot of time & discipline to live on the edge so keeping busy ain't nothing but a thing. 

Thank you, 


Matthew E. Devlin, Esq. 


PS - your email address is safe here. We wouldn't sell it even knew how to.  

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